My very good friend was quite bemused by the name I chose for the blog. First, I dont belong to Ampang. When I say that, I mean it in all aspects possible. I dont know anyone out here. Except for two families that I know from Assam and one very friendly Nigerian old man who lives right across our apartment. The guy calls me Mr Cook( He saw me once sporting ManC Tshirt). Anyway, Its not all my fault. People don't care much either. It does not feel good when the watchmen to your building asks you to sign the visitors' diary every alternative day. Their Gleeful apology afterwards don't help much either. But at least, the ESPRIT guy knows me and considers me a Privileged customer.
Secondly, My Visa expires on 7th of this month. God only knows where I'm gonna be after that. Even if I get Malaysian Visa, I will anyway have to go back to India for my US Visa sometime. But you cant really blame me for choosing this moment of commotion to start writing blog. My jeevan has always been Table Tennis ka khela so far. I dont expect it to change much either.
Ampang is beautiful.And silent. Quite a bold and audacious statement from a guy living at the heart of Kuala Lumpur, with skyscrapers all around and People swarming like bees on the street in the daytime. But at night, the street is completely empty.And silent. This is the most wonderful part of the day. You actually tend to appreciate the silence in a big city. I wish to believe that this is a perfect place to write. I also wish to believe that all world famous writers have started from a place similar to mine. Not that I want to be one of them, but my blog is as dear to me as their books are to them.
Prior to this, I was mostly familiar with a few other moments of silence at NIT Trichy. Like:
1. The one in Garnet B 84, with Reddy, glued to his computer in the darkness, with earphones on.
2. Or the one after midnight in Trichy. Every NITTian mustve enjoyed it. Didnt most of you sneak out of Agate at night for your tour to kabristan, or for a cup of coffee or tea at Bru( Well if you dint..You've been a say yes)?
3.I remember the Silence after Dean Students told us that we all will be going to Jail. Only Ullas dared to speak and he never spoke again in four years.
4. I remember the time When Sushant was about to face the last ball of our first Ruby cup final. There was an amazing complete absence of sound accompanied with acute numbness.
5. The one in temple.
6. The one after long Daru Sessions, when somebody was jussst gonna cry.
7. The moment when I realized I am not gonna see most of them again(not all of them have to be happy moment, applies to 3rd point as well).
I am blessed to be at Ampang, and if I can find some joy here, I am sure I'll find it anywhere I move. Let it be Logan.
And suddenly the fat( I assume) kid above our apartment has got up from bed. His usual mode of Locomotion is running. that shakes the whole of our apartment too. Still better than the horrible weekends when the kid's dad(again an assumption) start drilling his house around. Oh well, so much for the Silence.
Ive unnecessarily typed for some half an hour now. Will stop for your sake. Next time, should be writing on some serious topic. I swear.
Oh by the way, Do Watch "Aashayein". Nice movie. wonderful songs as well.
Live 4ever!
Jeevan: Noun. Life
Table Tennis ka ek khela: Noun A game of Table Tennis.
Daru: Noun. Alcohol; Ankit Mahajan( Alternate Meaning)
Kabristan:Noun Cemetery
he he... funny, and glossary part is awesome da. Keep writing!